A Message from Reading Pride

March 14, 2020

We at Reading Pride Celebration join you and the rest of the community in your concern for the COVID-19 Virus. We have been following the news coverage, and the Governor’s recommendations. At this time Reading Pride Celebration, in an effort to help prevent the spread of this virus, has decided to postpone our Business Networking event, which was scheduled for March 31st. We hope to announce the new date soon.

Our monthly meetings and other scheduled events will continue as planned. We will continue to monitor the crisis, and cancel or reschedule events as necessary. In the meantime we would encourage our members to follow the CDC guidelines of no physical contact, and social distancing whenever possible.

As Pride is scheduled for July 19th, we believe it to be premature to cancel or reschedule at this time. We will continue the behind the scenes work of planning this year’s event in hopes of bringing you the biggest Pride Celebration we have had to date.

This year's theme is “Strong Enough”, and this crisis has made that theme even more meaningful for us. We believe that our community is strong enough to withstand this crisis, as we have with many other’s before.

We will continue to  post updates on our progress to our Facebook & Instagram pages. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at readingpridecelebration@gmail.com

Please, keep yourselves safe, and follow the CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health guidelines: wash your hands with soap & water, or hand sanitizer if soap is not available, clean surfaces frequently with disinfectant wipes, cover any cough or sneezes with your elbows and self quarantine if feeling sick. If you think you have been exposed contact the necessary authorities.

Be Safe, Be Strong, Stay Proud, and Celebrate who you are each day!