Reading Pride Ambassador


Congrats to our 2023 Ambassador: BellaCentric Deflair

2024 Competition details are live. Applications are available on our ambassador event page. Click here to access event page and application.


  • Competitors must live in Berks or neighboring counties.

  • Be 18+ at the moment of registration.

  • Be actively involved with the LGBTQ+ community either through employment or volunteer work.

  • Complete the online form and submit a 1 minute video explaining their involvement with the LGBTQ+ community and what being an ambassador means to them.

Live Competition Categories:

Show us your Pride: Wear your pride colors as creatively as you can.

Talent: Show us your talents. Talent may include Lip Sync, singing, dancing, poetry, etc.

Question: The panel of judges will ask a question to each contestant.



Prize 〰️

  • Sash

  • Ambassador Medallion

  • $500 cash**

Why Pride Ambassador? What happened to Ms. Reading Pride Celebration?

The title is Ms. or Mr. in any pageant or anywhere else for that matter is very gender restrictive. The diversity of our LGBTQ+ doesn’t conform to gender restrictive terms, and therefore the title of those who wish to represent our organization cannot be gender restrictive. In 2021 we retired the title of Ms. Reading Pride, announcing our Pride ambassador program. In doing so we removed the gender conforming title of “Ms.”, but also opened up our representation to all members of the community whether drag performers or not. Our ambassador will be our representative in the community and therefore should reflect the community we serve.